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We will help you develop a structured environmental education program for your institution at all levels, including searching and applying for funding. For businesses, Kencon will build your human resources capacity for all of your environmental programs and projects. 

assessments & Clean Up

Our specialists have performed numerous site and risk assessments and have developed computer tools used to assess risks to the environment.  We also track (on our clients’ behalf) the most challenging environmental cleanup, including mold assessments, revitalization, and remediation projects. 


Our team of scientists & engineers will provide environmental assessments of proposed infrastructure projects (electricity, sewer lines, bridges, highways, etc.) concerning their location, potential environmental and cultural resource constraints, area-wide impact, land-use implications, etc.

Health & Safety

We will help you comply with government regulations on health & safety such as program maintenance, conduct formal employee training and a thorough facility inspection, offer expertise in improving workplace efficiency, and provide abatement assistance during a government inspection.

Air & water Quality

The Kencon Environmental team of specialists will assess the quality of your water and monitor the air quality over extended periods.  We will recommend the most advanced but cost-effective water treatment technologies and air pollution remediation strategies.  

Climate change

We will assist governments and industry plan and implement innovative climate change mitigation strategies, including; sustainable energy sources (like biomass, solar, wind, & hydro), sustainable transport such as biofuels, and more sustainable use of land & forests. 

sustainable energy

Implementing sustainable energy does not only help to reduce changes in climate but makes economic sense.  Kencon Environmental collaborates with the best pyrolysis systems in the world that can transform any bio waste (MSW, tires, manure, wood, etc.) into clean, sustainable energy.   

ecosystem management

Where active management of the built and natural components of the water cycle is key to water sustainability, our scientists & engineers will assist its clients (governments & industry) in managing these complex environmental challenges cost-effectively.

Mining & agriculture

Improper mining & agriculture practices frequently lead to the destruction of natural resources and ecosystems.  Our team of experts is recognized worldwide in these fields and will help you develop and implement strategies to reduce the environmental impact of mining and agriculture.